taurus2.co.uk and 1stemersonvalleyrainbows.org.uk domains are privately owned and not used for any commercial purposes. Some services are hosted in full or in part on our Webhost's system/s, and some on my own server. If you experience any problems then please email me at the address below with any error information you have.

The 1stemersonvalleyrainbows.org.uk domain and website is managed voluntarily for the 1st Emerson Valley Rainbows, a unit of Girlguiding UK. Webhosting is provided free to the unit as, a UK Charity by Krystal Webhosting.

David's stuff

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My Blog - Here I post, about my hobbies, computing, electronics, woodworking and give some technical Hint 'n Tips. Photography, Linux, M$ Windows and Woodworking, to name a few.
G0TWN - My amateur radio hobby pages.